Een web van meer dan 2000 Manroland netwerken verspreid over de hele wereld biedt integratiemogelijkheden en practische tools om de grootste drukkerijen ter wereld te helpen sneller en ultra-efficiënt te werken, hun processen te optimaliseren, de kwaliteit van hun producten te verbeteren en de rendabiliteit te stimuleren.
printnetwork® biedt geautomatiseerde workflow-oplossingen die alles omvatten, gaande van voorbereidingen en planning in de pre-press tot kwaliteitsmanagement van kleurcontrole en inline inspectie. Met een duidelijke jobtransparantie, een volledig gedocumenteerde procesbeschrijving en operationele veiligheid, kunnen drukkerijen hun processen verfijnen om efficiënter te gaan werken tegen een lagere operationele kost.
Better organisation with IntegrationPilot 2.0.
These days printing companies are under enormous pressure to reduce costs and streamline their operations. They must produce more jobs in less time, while average run lengths are decreasing. According to an IRD study (Institute for Rationalization in the Printing Industry), based on a reference period of four years, printing companies in Germany had to process 25 percent more orders to at least maintain their earning level. Manroland helps its customers to meet this challenge – with IntegrationPilot 2.0.
With the Integration Pilot 2.0, the job preparation and machine scheduling can also be carried out centrally in the office. In addition, the machine can be integrated in the print shop workflow optimized by CIP3 hot folder or the JDF interfaces. As a result errors in the work processes are identified early and thus eliminated
Uninterrupted data collection with IntegrationPilot Plus 2.0
Non-utilised machine time and problems cost money and need to be systematically reduced, but “only what can be measured objectively, can be improved upon. Therefore, machine and operating data acquisition becomes the focus of attention.
How can machine performance be easily, automatically and reliably measured and evaluated by pressing one button? “ IntegrationPilot Plus supplements IntegrationPilot by adding automated and detailed data collection that can be used for analytical purposes. What has been printed and when? Why was there downtime? Which fabrication times go into the costing? IntegrationPilot Plus provides all the answers.